Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ahmadinejad In New York

New York Sun
September 20, 2007

If the bizarre request of President Ahmadinejad to lay a wreath at ground zero has been put to rest once and for all, New Yorkers can thank three persons — the police commissioner, Raymond Kelly; Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Daniel Gillerman, and Matt Drudge. That, at least, is how we reconstruct the events that yesterday stunned and briefly outraged thousands of New Yorkers, a number of candidates on the hustings, and even the White House, as it looked for a while that consideration might be given to the idea that the Iranian anti-Semite and terror master, due in town for a meeting of the U.N. General Assembly, might be allowed downtown to visit the scene of Al Qaeda's crime...

The person who could prevent this entire farce from taking place is the district attorney of Queens County, Richard Brown. When Mr. Ahmadinejad flies into John F. Kennedy International Airport, he'll be in Queens. That is the borough of Specialist Jonathan Rivadeneira of the U.S. Army's 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, who was killed on Friday in Iraq by an improvised explosive device of the sort that American officials say are supplied and crafted by Iran. Rivadeneira's death left his mother, Martha Clark of Jackson Heights, Queens, childless. Let Mr. Brown seek a warrant for Mr. Ahmadinejad's arrest and give him a true civics lesson in an American dock. Let's just say we have no doubt that, were a warrant issued, Mr. Kelly and New York's Finest would be delighted to enforce it. Read More...